Reasons for travel | Customs requirements |
Holiday/Temporary stay | If you are travelling to the UK for a holiday, you will need to provide your inbound and outbound flight details, and a copy of your passport. |
Students | If you are travelling to the UK to study, you will need to provide a letter from your place of study confirming your attendance, the course to be studied and confirmation of how long the course is; all letters must be headed by the Universities insignia. You will also need to provide your inbound flight details, a copy of your passport and your Transfer of Residence unique reference number (if applicable). |
Returning resident | If you are a resident who is returning to the UK to live, you will need to provide your Transfer of Residence unique reference number (if applicable), inbound and outbound flight details and a copy of your passport. |
Working Abroad | If you are travelling to the UK for work, you will need to provide your Transfer of Residence unique reference number (if applicable), inbound flight details and a copy of your passport. |
Relocation | If you are emigrating to the UK, you will need to provide your Transfer of Residence unique reference number, your inbound flight details and a copy of your passport. |
You can find more information on the Transer of Residence form here –
If a ToR is not applicable, you can bring in goods worth up to £270 If you go over your allowance you pay tax and duty on the total value of the goods, not just the value above the allowance. You may have to pay import VAT and customs duty if you exceed your allowance. You can declare goods online from 5 days (120 hours) before you are due to arrive in the UK at the following link –